🏆 Leading Operations for a PGA Tour Event

Marshal Lamb, Manager of Tournament Operations @ the John Deere Classic

Marshal Lamb is the Manager of Tournament Operations for the John Deere Classic (JDC). After graduating from the Master of Sports Law and Business Program at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University (ASU). he joined the JDC as an intern. Today, he leads operations for the PGA TOUR event while also serving on the Alumni Board of the Sports Law and Business Program at ASU.

Where Business Meets Golf

Marshal was raised in a family of athletes, with sports as a central theme in his life. He played collegiate golf at the University of Northern Iowa (UNI), where he was Co-President of the University’s Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. After graduating from UNI, he moved to Arizona to pursue a graduate degree at ASU’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, where he refined his expertise in sports law and business, narrowing his focus to the golf industry.

An informational interview with Clair Peterson, the then-Tournament Director of the JDC, opened the door to Marshal’s career. That conversation led to an internship with the tournament, which is close to both his heart and the community where he grew up. By showcasing a strong work ethic and a willingness to learn during the internship, Marshal proved his value and earned a full-time role with the golf tournament.

Fast forward to today, Marshal oversees all operations for the JDC, including its additional events such as concerts hosted on the property. From managing vendor relationships for the tournament to ensuring seamless transitions for live concerts with supporting artists like Lainey Wilson and Counting Crows, his responsibilities span a complex web of logistics and collaboration. Beyond the operational details, Marshal’s work directly impacts the local community, with proceeds supporting local and regional charities. “Everyone on our staff and for those that support our event, realize that many decisions throughout the year have an impact on our Birdies For Charity contributions,” he says. He mentioned how the Birdies For Charity program is a part of their core mission when operating the JDC. A program that helped raise $15.9 million in 2024.

Work Ethic and Building Connections

Marshal believes success in the sports industry comes from a blend of tangible skills and the right mindset. He notes the importance of foundational habits: showing up early, staying late if necessary, and understanding the business model before proposing changes. For interns and new professionals, he advises on being curious when learning systems and building credibility, as organizational awareness is critical.

Equally important is the ability to build relationships. Marshal explains that building rapport beyond work tasks helps individuals understand their colleagues' motivations and work styles, ultimately fostering better collaboration. “It’s finding out what makes their wheels spin outside of the office,” he says, encouraging authenticity and curiosity in every interaction. These small yet intentional efforts, he believes, set top performers apart.

Master the Art of Storytelling

Marshal emphasizes storytelling as a cornerstone of professional success, especially in the sports industry. Whether pitching ideas, building relationships, or negotiating a deal, the ability to tell a compelling story can make all the difference. Marshal encourages aspiring professionals to reflect on their storytelling skills, identify areas for improvement, and begin learning how to refine this critical ability.

“Storytelling is more than a buzzword – it’s how you connect and persuade,” he explains. “If you can’t tell a good story, you need to figure out why.” Marshal believes that effective communication is a powerful tool, not only for advancing one’s career but also for leaving a lasting impression.

Giving Back to His Community

Marshal’s motivation is deeply tied to his roots in the Quad Cities, where he grew up attending the JDC. He recalls fond memories of his father taking him to the tournament as a child, moments that inspired his passion for the event and evolved his love for the game of golf. For Marshal, working with the JDC is a way to give back to the community that shaped him.

The JDC has a significant economic and social impact on the region, generating $70.9 million in economic impact and supporting countless charitable initiatives. For Marshal, his work isn’t about personal accolades but about creating opportunities and driving positive change. “It’s not about me,” he reflects. “It’s about everyone who can benefit.” Knowing that his decisions contribute to the betterment of his home fuels his dedication and reinforces his commitment to making the JDC a meaningful event for the entire community.

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